The HCP Institute's Touch for Health Program is accredited by the Canadian Association of BioEnergetic Wellness (CanBeWell)
Our Program
HCP Reflexology Institute follows the program as approved by the International Kinesiology College. The course is divided into 4 levels, all of which are required to be successfully completed prior to obtaining your Proficiency Certification. If you would like to know more about Touch for Health, click on "What is Touch for Health" below.
Course outline:
Level 1 - 15 hours - Introduces 14 muscles associated with TfH and provides instruction in the core techniques of muscle testing, balancing of the primary energy meridians and techniques associated with reflex points. Basic anatomy and opposing muscle activity is also introduced.
Touch for Health ™ Level 1
Opposing Muscle Theory/Triangle of Health - Accurate Muscle Testing - Switch On – K27, CV24 & GV27, GV1+Navel - Water Check / Central Meridian Check / Permissions - Cross Crawl for Fun - Neurolymphatics - Neurovasculars - General Meridian Massage - Origin/Insertion Technique - Bilateral Muscle Correction Technique - Challenging - Emotional Stress Release - Strengthening with Foods -
Visual Inhibition & Auricular Exercise - Surrogate Testing - Simple Pain Techniques – running meridians, feathering - Posture Awareness, Goal Balancing
14 Muscles: Supraspinatus - Teres Major - Pectoralis Major Clavicular - Latissimus Dorsi - Subscapularis - Quadriceps - Peroneus - Psoas - Gluteus Medius - Teres Minor - Anterior Deltoid - Pectoralis Major Sternal - Anterior Serratus - Fascia Lata.
Level 2 - 15 hours - Review and the introduction of 14 more muscles and muscle interaction as well as other techniques and concepts. Accupressure reflex points, Meridian Massage and Food Testing is also explored.
Touch for Health ™ Level 2
Review of TFH 1 - Pre-tests and Corrections using Circuit Locating - Golgi / Spindle Proprioceptors -
Acupressure Holding Points, Yin/Yang - Balancing using Wheel - Alarm Points - Over Energy -
Law of Five Element Theory - ESR for Future Performance - Meridian Massage - Cross Crawl for Integration - Cerebro-Spinal Technique - Food Testing - Neurolymphatic Release
14 More Muscles - Neck Flexors - Brachioradialis - Middle & Lower Trapezius - Rectus Abdominus - Sacrospinalis - Iliacus - Piriformis - Adductors - Sartorius - Popliteus - Rhomboids - Middle Deltoid - Quadratus Lumborum |
Level 3 - 15 hours - Reviews level 1 and 2 and provides a deeper understanding of TfH and muscle interaction. This level also introduces 14 more muscles and additional balancing techniques, such as techniques that deal with chronic and acute pain, emotions and gait.
Touch for Health ™ Level 3
Review of TFH 1 & TFH 2 - 5 Element Goal Balancing with Emotions - 5 Element Goal - Balancing with Food - Acupressure Holding Points Theory & Practice (Sedation Techniques) - Color Balance - Pulses and Pain Tapping - Gaits - Circuit Retaining Mode - Reactive Muscles - Facilitation and Inhibition - ESR for Past Trauma
14 More Muscles: - Neck Extensors - Levator Scapula - Triceps - Opponens Pollicis Longus - Abdominals - Anterior/Posterior Tibials - Upper Trapezius - Gluteus Maximus - Gracilis - Soleus - Gastrocnemius - Diaphragm - Coracobrachialis - Hamstrings |
Level 4 - 15 hours - Review and the intrroduction of the 14 remaining muscles. Instruction on muscle interaction, posture analysis, balancing with sound and how to test and balance while standing and in a reclined position are also covered.
Touch for Health ™ Level 4
Review of TFH 1 to TFH 3 - Figure 8 Energy - Five Elements and Meridian Review - Five Element Emotion - Balancing with Sound - Acupressure Holding Points in Depth - Luo Points - Time of Day Balance - Postural Stress Release - Neurolymphatic Release - Posture Analysis - 42 Muscle Balance Head to Toe |
The complete course totals 60 hours of instruction and practice. A certificate of accomplishment is issued by the Canadian Association of Specialized Kinesiology upon the successful completion of each level. On completion of the entire course, you will be eligible to write a Proficiency Examination and upon qualification you will receive a Proficiency Certificate from the International Kinesiology College (IKC), which entitles you to use the "Touch for Health ™" Practitioner identification, the TFH name and logo in your private practice.
At HCP, we are committed in providing quality education, instruction and support to help you become a skilled and successful practitioner.